Hello, my name is Shan, and I’m the founder of Karuna Press, a Black woman-owned, fluent bilingual speaker (English and Spanish) and self-publisher of self-help prints and books (in progress) to help humanity to gain a new perspective on life, suffer less, gain more compassion, love, and to live life in the joys and peace of mindfulness.

I believe that knowledge is life. Overlooking our inner power can lead to confusion and frustration. I don’t want that for anyone. That’s why my product line includes self-help items that spread awareness and knowledge about the cycle of life and the process of transformation.

My mission is to offer exceptional self-help products to inspire self-love, self-healing, and self-discovery. At a time when social media and division are prevalent, I hope to remind you and your children that life is what we make of it. It all begins and ends with what we think and say to ourselves.

I believe in the power of positive thinking. Connecting with ourselves and our children is one of life’s greatest joys. Positive thinking empowers all of us to live our best lives. I firmly believe that every person can create the trajectory of their life by implementing the principles of mindfulness, positive thinking, and positive speaking. I infuse that belief into every product to ensure my customers can truly create the life they desire.

5 fun facts about the founder, Shan Howell

 🌿 I love animals, and to me, visiting goats on a farm is the most rejuvenating thing to do!

🌿 I am a herbal tea-over coffee person.

 🌿 As a kid, I often daydreamed of having the superpower of speaking all spoken languages in the world. Well, I only managed to learn and speak two: English and Spanish.

 🌿 I'm a bibliophile. That's a fancy word for the meaning book lover. My favorite life-altering books are As A Man Thinketh by James Allen and Peace In Every Step by Thich Nhat Hahn.

 🌿 I'm an herbalist and nature lover. In fact, I believe trees are the most beautiful and wondrous creations that we can go out to see for free every day. How awesome is that?