Young minds absorb everything they hear and see. Our affirmations inspire your children to think positively from a young age. Researchers tell us that learning how to think positively builds happiness. Teaching our children how to appreciate the best parts of life and, more importantly, of themselves can lead to a lifetime of success and happiness.
The I AM WHO I SAY I AM Affirmation cards for kids help combat negative thinking patterns that contribute to low self-esteem. Children who practice affirmations daily are less affected by the words of others. By building self-esteem from a young age, your children are better equipped to deal with the world and enjoy greater self-respect.

Bond With your Kids In A Whole New Way
Perhaps one of the most vital reasons to add affirmation cards to your child’s resource list is the bonding opportunities they offer. Share your thoughts about daily affirmations with your son or daughter and let them share their thoughts to build a deeper bond. Along the way, you might even notice your thinking changes to benefit your children even more.
About Karuna Press
At Karuna Press, we are passionate about the mental health and happiness of our customers. We truly want to help people around the world to create a life of happiness and peace. Through every product, we share that mission.
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